
I had many things to focus on at Uni - my papers, my casual job as a croupier at Sky City, my social life. But there are only so many hours in a day and I was constantly thinking about how I could make my money work better for me.

One day I saw an ad from Hanover Finance for a six-month Term Deposit with a 11.5% interest rate. That was really high! I checked the interest rate on my savings account. It was less than half that amount. I called Hanover to see if it was a typo, but no it was real. I transferred my meagre savings into that Term Deposit that day. That’s how I got into investing.

Since then I've traded all sorts of investments - shares, indices, bonds, commodities, currencies, property, and more recently bitcoin - across different industries, using different investing styles.

Because I was using different investment brokers, I was updating a spreadsheet manually each month to get the full picture on how all my investments were performing. I told myself it was good to know where I was at, so I could make decisions on whether I needed to sell or buy more. But it was time-consuming transferring transactions from all my different accounts into my spreadsheet. There wasn't an automated tracker that I could easily see the performance and returns across all my different investments. I thought "there must be others with this problem".

I've talked to a lot of people about this. Late 2016 I took the plunge and this beta version is the first step in helping you monitor the prices of your shares and cryptocurrencies and automatically calculate their returns in one place.

Help me help you to monitor your investments and their returns. Your use of this beta version will be free as long as you keep using it, and telling me what you think of it.

Sign up now.

Assurance that investments can be aligned with values.